Surveys by Phone: Polling with Automated IVR
Telephone surveys using IVR technology can automate polling campaigns and are becoming the gold standard for gathering data very quickly and inexpensively for companies and political groups interesting in learning the latest trends and developments.
Our sister company, Monarch Broadcast Messaging, offers an automated phone survey service, which enables you to get polling results without the need or expense of getting special equipment, software or phone lines for your project.
Monarch Broadcast provides a turn-key service and the infrastructure is already set up and ready to go on demand. As a Monarch client, you only need to provide the list of phone numbers you want polled, and then a list of questions with multiple choice answers.
As an example, your questions could be formatted as such: “When it comes to choosing a retirement home, what are you looking for? For sunny and nice, press #1. For cold and miserable, press #2. For “I’m never going to retire,” press #3.
Not only are automated phone surveys easily assembled and executed, but they are a fraction of the cost of using live agents to conduct personal interviews. Telephone surveys with IVR can also generate more results in much less time. Actually, there is no comparison on a cost basis since automated “push” or “reach out” technology is dramatically more efficient than utilizing humans to do the same thing.
Better yet, companies, non-profits and political organizations, don’t have to purchase any expensive software or equipment, or set up expensive phone banks to implement an effective phone survey program. Phone surveying can be done in the cloud and can be purchased as a service on an as-needed basis. Set-up costs are very small and campaigns can be implemented within hours with results immediately available in real-time.
The most popular application for phone surveying is for compiling instant polling data for political organizations and candidates. Campaign surveying can provide valuable data that can used immediately to formulate long or short term strategies. For example, you can determine quickly what the hot button issues are in a campaign, and what the strengths and weaknesses are in the opponent and in your own campaign. It’s important that your campaign can turn on a dime when circumstances and issues change.
Automated phone surveying is the fastest, easiest and least expensive way to accurately judge your campaign’s progress. Monarch’s professional staff can help you design and implement an effective survey and polling program that will enable you to act on the latest “pulse” from your customers or constituents.
Give Monarch a call at 888-387-8636 to discuss all your automated surveying options.