Audio Teleconferencing Services Include Pay As Go You Plans
Audio teleconferencing services are proving to be extremely valuable for business organizations and non-profits that are looking to save time and money communicating with associates, customers, prospects and membership. In fact, audio teleconferencing is probably the simplest, easiest and fastest way to see immediate savings in increased productivity, faster decision making, and reduced travel and meeting costs. There is no ramp up time or investment, because the savings begin the minute you pick up the phone to start a phone conference call. Best of all, you don't need any special equipment or hardware to get started. Setting up an audio teleconference service can be done in a couple of minutes. There are several different kinds of audio teleconference services and you need to pick out the right one for you. "Pay as you go" audio conference plans are popular because you only pay for what you get — no more or less. They are based on a per minute rate per person. In other words, 10 people on an audio conference for 10 minutes would equal 100 minutes. If for example, your toll free conference number was charged at 9 cents per minute, your cost for 10 people on the conference for 10 minutes would be $9 (100 minutes times 9 cents.) There is usually a slight premium paid for the advantage of using a toll free service, versus a non-toll free service. But either way, pay as you go plans offer audio conference users many benefits. Another alternative, if you are a heavy and consistent user of audio conferencing, is a flat rate conference service that provides unlimited usage for set amount every month. For example, you could pay $29 a month for all your conference needs, and you would pay that flat rate whether or not you actually used the service. It can be extremely cost effective, however, the only catch is that the service does not provide an 800 conference number. Everyone who has to call into the bridge uses a regular non-toll free number. (Of course, if you have free long distance bundled with your local service, or are calling from a cell phone, you would not incur any expenses.) All in all, audio teleconferencing has become a valuable addition to a suite of outsourced business solutions that have revolutionized the way people do business and communicate. Add in web and video conferencing, and you have created a new virtual environment where you can not only talk to colleagues and customers, but see and interact with them as well. Technological breakthroughs continue to make the world flatter and more accessible and those businesses and organizations that use cutting edge communication tools to improve their productivity and work flow will reap the greatest rewards. For more information about audio teleconferencing and pay as you go conference plans, give us a call. We look forward to serving you.