Conference Calling: Essential Telecommuting Tool

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Conference Calling: Essential Telecommuting Tool

Among the several essential tools telecommuters need to enable them to work offsite, one of the most important is conference call capabilities.

We can help you stay in touch with your colleagues and associates at the office and around the country.  That’s the big perk of being able to work as a telecommuter — as long as you have a laptop and phone, you can work from anywhere, at anytime.

It makes sense.  Telecommuters enjoy working privately giving them more freedom and also allowing them to avoid constant interruptions.  On the other hand, businesses are embracing telecommuting as a way to save rent for office space and other overhead costs involved with housing workers in during the day.  They are discovering that productivity can actually be enhanced.

Conferencing options for telecommuters

Since conferencing is so important as a telecommuting stable, understanding your available and various options becomes paramount.

For example:  If you want to be able to budget exact amounts monthly, there is our fixed rate conferencing service (flat rate conferencing) which can be configured for whatever number of lines you require.  It is a reservationless service and you have unlimited calling for a set price every month.   There is also toll-free reservationless conferencing and operator dial-out services as well that are charged on a per-use basis.  Those work well if you are going to conference sporadically.

These services can all be configured to whatever call volume you might need. 

Advanced video and web conferencing made affordable

One of the new products we’re excited about is called Start Video.  It’s an amazing program that allows everyone on your conference to not only share desktops and programs like Powerpoint presentations, but you all see each other in live streaming video.  All you need is a webcam, which you already have built into your laptop or monitor.  For the voice portion of your conference, you can talk on Start Video program (the audio of your voice will be carried over the Internet) or you use a regular phone line if any of your conference participants don’t have a speaker.  Best of all, it’s a flat rate service so you have unlimited usage and can leave it on all day or all night. There is NO software to download, it works on PC’s and Macs, and you don’t have to install anything.

So, no matter where you are in the world, if you want to conduct business face-to-face, this is the service you’re looking for.  Let us give you a free demonstration so you can see for yourself how this particular tool can help you cut costs dramatically, save a ton of time, and help you get on board the telecommuting superhighway where there are no gas stations or traffic jams.

Survey says telecommuters don’t bother getting dressed

We just saw a survey that concluded that quite a few telecommuters who work at home don’t get showered or dressed.  Are you one of those people?  That’s OK, we’re not looking!  (And you can probably skip the video conferencing too!)

Our mission is to focus on reliable telecommuting conference calling services that you can come to depend upon.  With conference calling connecting people — dressed or not — the world of commerce continues to keeping spinning while helping businesses accomplish more in less time.

It’s time to adapt to the technology and learn how to cut the cord to the traditional office environment. 

Give us a call to discuss your conferencing needs at 877-254-2424.