24Conference Blog: News & Updates

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How On-Demand Conferencing is Boosting Small Business Profits

Experts agree that getting everyone on the same page is an integral part of a successful small business operation and that every business needs to have quick access to a professional low-cost phone conference bridge service at a moment’s notice. Unfortunately, many conference users wait until the last minute or when emergencies occur to order their conference service, rather than getting set up ahead of time. While 3-way calling is easy and is included with most desktop and mobile phone systems, there are times when businesses and organizations need to get 5, 10, 15 people or more on a phone…

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Conference Call Service for Lawyers / Attorneys

Lawyers can access secured conference call services quickly and easily while enjoying the latest call technology that provides the highest quality conference discussions. Better yet, there is no need to buy any expensive hardware or software and there are no up-front costs. After years of providing conferencing services for attorneys, we can easily attest that the most popular conferencing format is the Operator Dial-Out service. Quite simply, the lawyer or law firm provides us a list of the names and phone numbers of each of the parties they would like us to call, along with the time of the call,…

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Conference Call Questions & Answers

What is 800 conferencing? A conference service that provides a toll-free dial-in number for conference participants, usually with an 800, 855, 866, 877 or 888 prefix. What is an audio conference? A meeting over the phone that accommodates three or more people. What is auto hang-up? An optional feature that disconnects everyone from the conference call when the last moderator (host) hangs up the phone. What is a conferee? (also known as participant, or guest) A person who accepts an invitation to join and participate in a phone conference. What is a conference dial-in number? (also known as access number)…

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Instant Phone Conference Call Set-Up

You can get your conference call-in number and your host and guest passcodes in the next two minutes at this website.  These are the top benefits using this instant conference service, including: 1) No set-up fees. 2) No contract. You can quit the service at anytime. In fact, to quit, you just stop using it. 3) You have the benefit of a toll-free call-in number everyone can use, rather than dialing long distance. 4) You have an option to record your conferences and to get free downloads of your recordings. 5) Free detailed reports emailed directly to you at the end…

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How to Have a One-Time Conference Call

Need to have a one-time conference call?  The set-up is easy and fast. 1)  Go to this page to sign-up and get your call-in number and passcodes.  You will receive them immediately via email and your service will be ready to use.  It takes less than 2 minutes. 2)  When you get your email, write down your toll-free call-in number and host (moderator) and guest (conferee) passcodes. 3)  Give everyone you are going to conference with the TIME they should call the toll-free number, along with the guest/conferee passcode.  When they call the toll-free number, they will be prompted to…

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5 Things About Audio Conference Service You Should Know

Audio conferencing services are as popular as ever because people and business are no longer operating in physical proximity to each other.  Decision makers and collaborators are scattered over the nation, or even in the same building.  So conference calls are an important tool in getting things done, especially in a all-digital environment when we rarely see each other. Here are a few things you should know about the options available in audio conferencing: 1)  Unlike web or video conferencing, audio conferencing only transmits sound.  So you’ll be using your desk phone, your Internet connected phone, or your cell phone…

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6 Things To Know About Business Conference Calling

Online conferencing services are proliferating faster than ever.  No matter where you turn, there is a new way to link up with associates and prospects.  Some are simple and straightforward, while other services are more complicated.  Needless to say, everyone wants you to use their “platform” to communicate. Here are some of the top things you need to consider about business teleconferences: 1)  The lowest common denominator works the best when it comes to conferencing.  For internal use, it’s easy to have everyone use one system.  But that’s where it stops.  Trying to get outsiders to use whatever system your…

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Why Conference Calls are Recommended

Because a conference call is so easy to set up and use, it is becoming an increasingly popular way to enhance communications among working colleagues, salespeople and prospects, and project coordinators. That’s why our telephone conference services are becoming a valued resource in improving communications and cutting expenses and are being recommended as a way to advance projects in business and organizations. Once you fill out our online sign-up form, you will be emailed your account information.  The account information will include the conference call-in number that everyone invited to your conference will call, along with a moderator (host) and participant (guests) passcode. You'll need…

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Unlimited Conferencing for One Set Rate Per Month

Now you can talk as long as you want and just pay one set rate per month. (For example, $9 per month gets you a conference bridge with 10 lines (10 people, including you) with unlimited time.) When it comes to a great deal, you can’t beat our popular flat rate teleconference service.  Now you can   throw away the clock and talk with your associates as long as you want for just one low flat monthly rate for the number of conference lines you want.  It’s that simple. So if you’re looking for a phone conference service that offers a constant rate, no…

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Conference Calling: Essential Telecommuting Tool

Among the several essential tools telecommuters need to enable them to work offsite, one of the most important is conference call capabilities. We can help you stay in touch with your colleagues and associates at the office and around the country.  That’s the big perk of being able to work as a telecommuter -- as long as you have a laptop and phone, you can work from anywhere, at anytime. It makes sense.  Telecommuters enjoy working privately giving them more freedom and also allowing them to avoid constant interruptions.  On the other hand, businesses are embracing telecommuting as a way to save rent for office space…