24Conference Blog: News & Updates

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San Antonio (210) Local Conference Call Number

 You can get a local San Antonio phone number to dial into your conference calls while substantially cutting your conferencing costs.  Check what you are paying now for conferencing service, and compare that to our extremely low 2.9 cents per minute, per person, rate for your new San Antonio local dial-in number.  Not only will you save, but it will be tremendously more convenient for you and your conferencing guests to have a local number.  No more long distance calls, and no more expense of offering a toll free number. San Antonio is booming and business and non-profits need audio conferencing…

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Toronto (647) Conference Call Service: Local Number

Looking for a Toronto conference service that offers a local access number?  Well, you've found it. You can now use a local 647 number to host all your conference calls so no one has to dial long-distance.  To learn more about the Toronto service, along with the dozens of other cities, please give us a call at 877-254-2424, or visit our Local Access page, or click on the link at the right side of this page.  You can have your first conference call today! There are three outstanding features of this service. First, you can get it at the remarkably low…

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Alternatives to Free Conference Calling Services

 Some things don't last.  Thanks to recent court rulings and changes in government regulations, free conference calling services will soon be coming to an end.  Users will be looking for suitable alternatives.  While there are services like Skype that offer free (or close to free) conferencing for small groups, the fact remains, not everyone has a Skype account or access to a computer with speakers and a microphone.  The vast majority of business and non-profit conference users still prefer to have access to on-demand audio conference call services using their regular phones or cell phones. There are several alternative and popular…

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Dialing Local Number for Conference Call Service

Local dial-in numbers for conference calls are available in over 50 area codes throughout the United States and Canada.  You can see a list of the local call-in numbers below, or go to our Local Access Conference page here to get details. Getting a local in-city conference call number provides several huge advantages, especially for businesses and non-profits that conduct much of their conferencing within a specific geographic or area code region. 1) There is no need to go to the additional expense of providing a toll free access number, because at half the cost, your guests can just pick…

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Top 3 Conference Call Services Businesses Are Using Now

Businesses and non-profit organizations have been using conference call services for years.  Despite the plethora of options and technological advances, such as web and video conferencing, the fact remains that 95% of the conference calls that take place are done the "old fashioned" way -- all the conference participants pick up a phone, dial a number and password, and start talking. What are the Top 3 conference plans being used today? Here is a quick rundown on the most popular services and how they are billed, starting with #3. 3)  The third most popular conference call plan is Operator Managed Dial-Out,…

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Canadian Conference Call Service Includes Toronto, Montreal

If you are looking for a Canadian conference call service that offers "local" dial-in numbers across Canada, we can help you.  Here is a list of our current Canadian call-in numbers -- all part of our pay-as-you-go service and provided to you at the incredibly low rate of just 2.9 cents per minute/per person. Toronto, Ontario, local conference call number:  647-872-9995 Montreal, Quebec, local conference call number:  438-238-1455 Ottawa, Ontario, local conference call number:  343-883-1933 Vancouver, British Columbia, local conference call number:  778-775-1114 Edmonton, Alberta, local conference call number:  587-557-1722 Quebec City, Quebec, local conference call number:  418-478-2125 Just click…

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How to Fix Bad or Poor Quality Conference Calls

Looking for some solutions for poor quality conference calls?  Here are several easy fixes to remedy bad quality conference calls. 1)  The biggest culprit these days involves VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone connections.  If you are using an Internet provider to give you phone service, that could be the problem.  Here's the fix:  Ask your Internet provider to boost your QoS (Quality of Service) setting to allocate additional bandwidth to your phones.  While digital and analog technologies are completely different, the higher the bandwidth setting on your phones, the better they will be able to match the quality of…

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Conference Bridge Hosting: Tips on Getting Started

 The bottom line on conferencing:  You can hire a conference hosting service for far less than what it would cost you to buy and maintain your own conference bridge equipment and hardware.  Here are some rules of thumb: 1)  If you are small to medium size company or association (less than 500 employees/members), your best bet is to retain the services of a reliable provider (like us) to give you secured access to one of our conference bridges. 2)  If you are a large enterprise and do a lot of conferencing, then yes, you should look into renting or buying your own…

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How to Keep Your Conference Calls Confidential and Secure

Here are the top ways we try to help our clients keep their conference calls confidential: 1)  We use long 7-digit passcodes followed by the # sign.  7-digit codes are much harder to hack than traditional 4-6 digit codes. 2)  While you can use the same passcodes over and over again, it's not a bad idea to change them every now and then.  We are happy to give you new codes on request at no charge.  (We provide you a host/moderator passcode, and a separate guest/conferee passcode, and send you reports on the usage of all the passcodes in your…

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Audio Teleconferencing Services Include Pay As Go You Plans

Audio teleconferencing services are proving to be extremely valuable for business organizations and non-profits that are looking to save time and money communicating with associates, customers, prospects and membership. In fact, audio teleconferencing is probably the simplest, easiest and fastest way to see immediate savings in increased productivity, faster decision making, and reduced travel and meeting costs. There is no ramp up time or investment, because the savings begin the minute you pick up the phone to start a phone conference call. Best of all, you don't need any special equipment or hardware to get started. Setting up an audio teleconference service…