24Conference Blog: News & Updates

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How Much Does a Conference Bridge Cost?

How much does a conference bridge cost?  It's a very common question and there are two easy answers, depending on your situation: 1)  If you are looking to buy and install your own conference bridge hardware and software, you need to be a very heavy user -- at least $2000 a month in conference call expenses -- to make it worthwhile.  We buy, sell and rent dedicated conference call bridges and would be happy to provide you a quote.  Just give us a call at 877-254-2424 and we'll be happy to help. 2)  You don't need to buy a conference…

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Conference Call Bridge Cost and Rates: How Much?

Costs and rates for using telephone conference call bridges and services vary greatly and depend on the type, format and number of people on the conference call.  The different types of services we offer can be seen on the elsewhere on this page or on our menu. Generally speaking, costs can be categorized into per-minute costs or monthly fixed rate costs. Per-minute costs are usually billed after your conference call, while discounted flat or fixed rate costs are pre-paid. Per minute conference costs are calculated on a per-minute, per-person basis.  In other words, 5 people on the conference call for…

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How to Set Up a 10, 15, 20, 25 Person Phone Conference Call

You can easily accommodate multi-person conference call of 10, 15, 20, or 25 people. Setting up an account is easy and if you are corporation, business or non-profit, you can have your first conference call today.  You have a variety of options and features to choose from so it's not difficult to find the right plan that not only fits your budget but also meets your needs. Here is a quick checklist of things you should look at: 1)  If it's important for you to have your participants dial a toll-free number then you should look at our Pay As You…

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Surveys by Phone: Polling with Automated IVR

Telephone surveys using IVR technology can automate polling campaigns and are becoming the gold standard for gathering data very quickly and inexpensively for companies and political groups interesting in learning the latest trends and developments. Our sister company, Monarch Broadcast Messaging, offers an automated phone survey service, which enables you to get polling results without the need or expense of getting special equipment, software or phone lines for your project. Monarch Broadcast provides a turn-key service and the infrastructure is already set up and ready to go on demand.  As a Monarch client, you only need to provide the list…

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Brazil Conference Call Service Provider: Access from South America

We can provide you a Brazil conference call service that would enable participants in Brazil to dial a toll free number to access a conference bridge in the United States. Other parties in the U.S., or from around the world, would be able to access the same conference by dialing a different toll free or non-toll free numbers. Because Brazil is a major market, teleconferences involving business deals, agreements and transactions are on the increase and expected to rise dramatically in the next 5 years. If you are interested in ordering the Brazil service, just go to our International Overseas Conference…

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Telephone Town Hall Service: Political, Non-Profit and Corporate Outreach

You can learn more about telephone town hall meetings at our sister-company, Monarch Broadcast Messaging. Telephone town hall services are provided to candidates, office holders, non-profit organizations, and corporations, to reach out to thousands of people simultaneously.  It is the only interactive technology available that can mass-invite and accommodate large numbers of people to participate in a super-teleconference. Town hall teleconferences bring the benefits of live interactive town hall meetings to the comfort of homes and offices.  Rather than a physical town hall meeting that involves scheduling, reservations, and traveling for all participants, a telephone town hall meeting can be set…

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Cost of Conference Calls: How Rates and Plans Differ

The cost of conference call services can vary dramatically depending on the kind of service you use.  There are a number of different services available ranging from the top-of-the-line operator managed calls to flat and fixed rate conferencing.  That's why it is important to determine what plan works best for you. At the top of this webpage, you'll see several different conference services and each of those pages will display the rates for that service.  However, the information below can give you a starting point when it comes to choosing a phone conference call service: IF you do a lot…

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Free Conference Doesn’t Work or Isn’t Working?

Are you using a free conference call service that isn't working?  There is a good chance your phone service, like MagicJack, Google or another carrier, is blocking the calls because they don't want to pay extra fees to the smaller phone company that is receiving the calls.  The federal government has allowed the smaller phone companies to charge the larger phone companies for incoming calls. The problem is that there are many phone carriers who offer free long distance service, and if they are offering you long distance for free (or next to nothing) then they are unable to pay…

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Web Conferencing (Webinars) Gets Top Recommendation

Businesses and companies have always been looking for new and innovative ways to hold meetings and relay information.  Thanks to the Internet, many companies have found multiple ways to communicate effectively and efficiently.  Obviously the most common communication method is through email.  Recent web conferencing has also become quite popular as a way to hold meetings and collaborate between a group of people. The best way to provide a visual presentation to a scattered audience The principle behind web conferencing is really quite simple.  Just as in a real meeting web conferencing allows everyone at the meeting to see and…

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International Toll Free Conferencing Rates

Here are the new international toll-free conference call rates which enable you to call from these countries into our conference bridges.  Easy, convenient and yes, a very nice professional service to offer your associates, customers or prospects.  The rates are in U.S. cents per minute and are for reservation-less conferencing which is available 24/7 on demand.  Operator assisted calls (when we dial out to international countries) are priced higher. Cents per minute (U.S.) Austria  20 Belgium   18 Brazil  27 China  30 Denmark  17 France  16 Germany  16 Holland  18 Ireland   18 Italy  17 Japan  18 Mexico  22 Poland  24 Spain…